Nothing more fun things for Sri Puji Lestari besides bikes and its shadow. Really? or maybe that was before the days when children and young girl enjoys cycling alone or with friends? it certainly brings more memory entrenched in her mind. all can be seen from the image that accompanies the bike. As if the bicycle shadow expressed a strong desire that this talented photographer's visiting beautiful places in her life.
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Minggu, 25 November 2012
Bikes and its shadow
Tiada hal yang lebih menyenangkan bagi Sri Puji Lestari selain sepeda dan bayangannya. Benarkah? atau mungkin itu dulu saat masa-masa anak-nak dan remaja menikmati bersepeda sendiri atau bersama teman? hal itu tentu lebih membawa memori yang mengakar kuat dalam benaknya. semua bisa terlihat dari bayangan yang menyertai sepeda itu. Seakan bayangan sepeda itu mengungkapkan hasrat kuat fotografer yang berbakat ini mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang indah dalam hidupnya.
Enjoying amazing Klayar's Beach
Pernahkah terbayang kita mengunjungi pantai? sesuatu yang indah tentang pantai yang membuat sebagian orang menjadi kecanduan untuk lebih sering menikmati suasana pantai. Entah dari latar belakang apapun, pantai tetap menjadi favorit untuk melepaskan diri dari aktivitas sehari2 yang melelahkan. Tapi lebih dari semua itu, keindahan pantai yang membuat kita tahan berlama-lama, di samping deburan ombak yang membuat irama pikiran kita menjadi lebih tenang dan bisa melupakan sebentar segala persoalan yang mungkin cukup membebani. Dan tidak salah kiranya, fotografer Danang Prabantoro and Bang Beng, lebih menyukai menikmati suasana dan keindahan pantai Klayar di Pacitan, Jawa Tengah ini.
Have we ever imagined to visit the beach? wonderful something about the beach that makes some people become addicted to more frequently enjoy the beach atmosphere. Either from any background, remains a favorite beach to escape the exhausting daily activity. But more than all that, the beauty of the beach that makes us resistant to linger, in addition to the rhythm of the waves that make our mind become calmer and able to forget for a while all burden of the problems. And no one seems, photographers Danang Prabantoro and Bang Beng, preferring enjoy the atmosphere and the beauty of the beach Klayar in Pacitan, Central Java.
The beuty of Klayar Beach is taken by Danang Prabantoro
Have we ever imagined to visit the beach? wonderful something about the beach that makes some people become addicted to more frequently enjoy the beach atmosphere. Either from any background, remains a favorite beach to escape the exhausting daily activity. But more than all that, the beauty of the beach that makes us resistant to linger, in addition to the rhythm of the waves that make our mind become calmer and able to forget for a while all burden of the problems. And no one seems, photographers Danang Prabantoro and Bang Beng, preferring enjoy the atmosphere and the beauty of the beach Klayar in Pacitan, Central Java.
Beautiful and amazing Atmosphere of Klayar's Beach was taken by Bang Beng
Sabtu, 24 November 2012
The Lady is Crying
Sangat menyentuh setelah menyaksikan foto patung unik yang penuh makna yang disajikan oleh Merah Saga yang berjudul Lady is Crying. Memberi kita ruang untuk sejenak berfikir tentang kehadiran sosok wanita terdekat kita yang mungkin sedang menangis atau menahan derita dan memaksa kita untuk merasakannya.
It's very touching after seeing photos of meaningful unique sculpture presented by Red Saga entitled by Crying Lady. Give us the room for a moment to think about the presence of the closest woman to us who may be crying or endure and force us to feel it.
It's very touching after seeing photos of meaningful unique sculpture presented by Red Saga entitled by Crying Lady. Give us the room for a moment to think about the presence of the closest woman to us who may be crying or endure and force us to feel it.
Senin, 12 Maret 2012
Foating market at Borneo Island

The turbulence of water in the boat trip routines accompany the women entrepreneurs who sell in the middle of the rushing water of the river on the island of Borneo. Floating market atmosphere that has accompanied the centuries an amazing life in the island of Borneo , full of peace, full of spirit and that of course it is very unique to immortalized by the photographer Nelson Siregar. It seems, brings a feeling its own unique atmosphere for photographers who are in a never-ending boat swinging and moving, which he can be satisfied with the perfect photo shoot is titled by Floating Market at Borneo Island.
Minggu, 11 Maret 2012
I see your soul

element of subjectivity and objectivity're mixed into picture entitled "I see your soul". The beauty of the object image that is objectively dealing directly with subjective foresight of the photographer produce beautiful objects to become even more beautiful. photographer Dhara Fitri Rediyana with a keen eye is able to capture distant objects that lead beyond the future as if it imply to the the unlimited range of future ideals of Mustika Sari Dewi.
Selasa, 28 Februari 2012
Golden Treasure in the darkness

The combination of elegance and spirituality are very prominent in the photo titled by "Golden Treasure in the Darkness" is taken by photographer Icha Siregar. A mystery of the golden treasure shines in the darkness. A mystery hints at the last set of golden rays and it will never dim in the midst of darkness of herself or communal room. photographer Icha Siregar's managed to achieve its best shooting of mysterious, beautiful and elegant photographs.
Minggu, 26 Februari 2012
The potrait of Kali Gendol's atmosphere's taken a year ago

Nature trail dominates the portrait and landscape titled by The potrait of Kali Gendol's atmosphere's taken a year ago displayed by photographer Teguh Warung Aqiqah Jogja. A simple message to the natural atmosphere which it's only a little acting, but it was very draining all our attention. Even it can be capable of destabilizing our fragile existence. Nature trail has been for centuries as the most active in this world, it is more enough for the photographer Teguh Warung Aqiqah Jogja to see more of his Creator.
Kamis, 23 Februari 2012
like water in taro leaves

We actually do not want to repeat it a sweet proverb "like water in taro leaves", because it will lead to no avail. However, the photo display in a drop of water on leaves which it's a contrasting mix of colors to shows a clear result of the photographer Antonius Irianto's picture and natural shots that picture is not worth it other than sheer beauty remains.
Rabu, 22 Februari 2012
"Old Dancer" to dance for survival

The face's aging but he's still strong to inspire photographer Antonius Arianto to take the old face at a framed black and white photo titled by "Old Dancer to dance for survival at the intersection of National Monument" . Impression of a smiling old dancer who still maintains his profession for survival recorded very strong, so shooting photos has become more spiritual.
Selasa, 21 Februari 2012
D'Massive Jingle Dare in Magelang

From various collections of beautiful and charming photographs, it turns out the photographer Pitoet Noegroho prefers the title of D'Massiv Jingle Dare in Magelang" with black and white setting. It is not uncommon for photographer Pitoet Noegroho who more often choose a color photo, but this time, black and white photos with the setting chosen by him more clearly highlight the hidden meaning. selection of photos Jinggle D'massiv which are considered very representative of photographer Pitoet Noegroho, just tested and is compatible with the character of his photo shoot. Is in accordance with the character of D'Massiv is not giving up with a song "Do not Surrender" to answer criticism of the purity of their works, while providing a broader message to drain the pent-up spirit alive so do not give up for everything. The end result we can see. Selection of photographs is appropriate, supported again by very impressive and amazing shots.
Lippo Village in the morning

Rasanya sangat enggan bagi yang melihat suasana yang begitu menyegarkan, indah, tenang dan sangat alami itu terabaikan begitu saja. Tidak salah kiranya dari sisi fotografer berdiri, hasrat meluap untuk mengabadikan momen pagi yang menyegarkan, indah dan sangat alami itu terwujud. Bidikan foto yang sangat berkesan, seakan menjadi energi yang melimpah mengisi hari yang cerah itu.
Photographers Brigida Martini takes photograph debut titled by the atmosphere of early morning in Lippo Village. This morning the atmosphere was very unusual for metropolitan Jakarta. In just a few hours, photos depicting the beautiful and tranquil atmosphere of this will soon change with the very dynamic, active and dense activity of the city.
It seems very reluctant to see the refreshing, beautiful, quiet and very natural atmosphere to be ignored. From the photographers would stand, overflowing desire to capture the moment in the refreshing, beautiful and very natural morning's possible. Image shooting is very impressive, as if it's to fill the abundant energy for the following hours of sunny day.
going through the mist In Kopeng Salatiga

Past the haze or mist has brought it into the tense atmosphere. Photographer brought with a dramatic atmosphere, turbulence and spontaneous instinct aiming the mysterious sight and full of challenges. photographer's Going through the haze/mist in Kopeng Salatiga without missing this valuable opportunity.
Blossom Orchid

Photographer Antonius Irianto began to experiment more. It is seen from the photographs previously more emphasized on strong colors, the photo's are now beginning to touch a little softer color. The beauty of the delicate orchid colors make this photo look soft and the photo of Blossom Orchid can be enjoyed longer.
Senin, 20 Februari 2012
One night in MANYARAN, Semarang

Enjoying a night to be a challenge in itself. diversity of night life is not inferior to life during the day. It's more clearly revealed, that the perfection of the night is enjoyed by photographer Pitoet Noegroho. with photo shooting angle is very appropriate, these shots can be really enjoyed. when It was aimed at photo titled by One night in MANYARAN, Semarang, really! photografer Pitoet Noegroho enjoy a night with a smile.
Sunset at Kuta Beach in Bali

The beauty of Kuta beach at sunrise or sunset is legendary. "Kuta Beach" song compiled and sung by Andre Hehanusa's one proof of the expression of the beauty of Kuta beach. Really? Photografer Bagus Satub trying to prove seriously take the time to get the most beautiful moments and the proof is not in vain. Original picture titled by Sunset at Kuta Beach in Bali are very beautiful and impressive debut.
Late Sun Rise in Tidung Island

The Passion of Photographers for beach will never stop. A valuable opportunity when "Late Sun Rise in Tidung Island" will be memorialized soon . Photographer Antonius Irianto need a little patience to get this wonderful moment. however, the glint of the sun shine at sunrise before starting a new activity is more valuable and he do not want to be abandoned. Shooting photos becomes the beginning to know the island more.
Ngobaran's Beach Sunset

photographer Dhara Fitri Rediyana began taking pictures when displaying debut by taking a very dramatic moment titled by "Ngobaran's Beach Sunset". with minimal lighting, the beauty of the picture still looks beautiful and dramatic. Thus, it makes sense since most photography enthusiast's so crave to comes with taking the moment of sunrise and sunset. in other words, to capture the sunset and sunrise into its own pleasure. some photographers prefer a sunset than the sunrise, including to her work debut.
Minggu, 19 Februari 2012
I held my sun

What different stars and the sun? They said that both're the same, identical to the planet. The differences?stars're very distant , while the sun is closer to us. So photografer Rita Nur Andriyani prefer holding the title of "I held my sun". It deeply felt close, although the stars and the sun are equally beautiful.
landing preparation at Kebayoran Lama

Antonius Irianto's photo shots were previously dominated by the beauty of the composition, his photos're more often take a broader object. but this time, he try to place more emphasis on smaller and narrower objects . however, its beauty can still be enjoyed through his work. "Kebayoran Lama landing preparation". The presence of bees and the flowers could well captured by the angle of the photograph.
Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012
Enjoying Breakfast at 2012 Carnival of Flowers, Pasadena

Bagi anda yang belum sempat menikmati festival itu, tidak perlu jauh-jauh menikmati keindahan bunga di Pasadena. Bidikan foto Rita Nur Andriyani Yusuf berjudul "sarapan ampe nyungsep" sudah cukup representatif mengungkapkan keindahannya.
Do you still remember the carnival of Pasadena ? for flower enthusiasts, the festival is a familiar sound in his ears. Dated at January 2, 2012 yesterday, California held a 2012 Carnival of Flowers, Pasadena. 123 participants enliven carnival event. Indonesia has won the competition in a beautiful flower arrangement contest. Although not regularly follow the flower festival, 16 years Indonesia has been advised to follow absent. but this time the news is interesting, from 123 participants carnival enliven this event, Indonesia has won the competition in a beautiful flower arrangement contest.
For those of you who have not had time to enjoy the festival, You did not have far to enjoy the beauty of flowers, Pasadena. Photos shot by Andriyani Rita Nur Yusuf entitled by "Enjoying breakfast" is quite representative to reveals its beauty.
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