Menikmati malam menjadi tantangan tersendiri. keragaman kehidupan malam tidak kalah dengan kehidupan siang hari. Lebih jelas terungkap, kesempurnaan malam sangat dinikmati oleh fotografer Pitoet Noegroho. Dengan sudut bidikan foto yang sangat sesuai, hasil bidikan ini benar-benar bisa dinikmati. Sungguh! saat membidikkan foto berjudul "
Suatu malam di daerah manyaran Semarang", fotografer
Pitoet Noegroho menikmati malam dengan senyum.
Enjoying a night to be a challenge in itself. diversity of night life is not inferior to life during the day. It's more clearly revealed, that the perfection of the night is enjoyed by photographer Pitoet Noegroho. with photo shooting angle is very appropriate, these shots can be really enjoyed. when It was aimed at photo titled by
One night in MANYARAN, Semarang, really! photografer Pitoet Noegroho enjoy a night with a smile.
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