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Antonius Irianto yang sebelumnya lebih didominasi dengan keindahan komposisi, lebih sering mengambil obyek yang lebih luas. namun kali mencoba lebih menekankan pada obyek yang lebih kecil dan sempit. Meski demikian, keindahannya masih bisa dinikmati melalui karyanya: "landing preparation kebayoran lama". Kehadiran lebah dan bunga mampu ditangkap dengan baik melalui sudut pengambilan fotonya.
Antonius Irianto's photo shots were previously dominated by the beauty of the composition, his photos're more often take a broader object. but this time, he try to place more emphasis on smaller and narrower objects . however, its beauty can still be enjoyed through his work. "
Kebayoran Lama landing preparation". The presence of bees and the flowers could well captured by the angle of the photograph.
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