Gejolak air di dalam perahu mengiringi rutinitas perjalanan ibu-ibu pengusaha yang berjualan di tengah-tengah deburan air sungai di pulau Kalimantan. Suasana pasar terapung yang sudah berabad-abad mengiringi kehidupan pulau kalimantan yang mengagumkan, penuh kedamaian, penuh semangat dan hal itu tentu saja sangat unik untuk diabadikan oleh fotografer
Nelson Siregar. Nampaknya, suasana unik menghadirkan perasaan tersendiri bagi fotografer yang berada di dalam perahu yang tiada henti berayun dan bergerak, yang merasa puas dapat membidik dengan sempurna foto berjudul Pasar Tradisional Terapung di Kalimantan Selatan.
The turbulence of water in the boat trip routines accompany the women entrepreneurs who sell in the middle of the rushing water of the river on the island of Borneo. Floating market atmosphere that has accompanied the centuries an amazing life in the island of Borneo , full of peace, full of spirit and that of course it is very unique to immortalized by the photographer Nelson Siregar. It seems, brings a feeling its own unique atmosphere for photographers who are in a never-ending boat swinging and moving, which he can be satisfied with the perfect photo shoot is titled by
Floating Market at Borneo Island.
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